Just a quick heads up to let you know that you can now pre-order my new crime novel, Orphan Road.
You can order it from the publisher, Down and Out Books. It is also available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
For pre-order information, check out this link. You should also be able to order it through your local bookstore, closer to the date.
Orphan Road is a sequel of sorts to my last novel, Gunshine State.
The pitch is as follows:
Gary Chance is an ex-Australian army driver and nightclub bouncer turned professional thief and
in need of a job. An offer comes from a former employer, once notorious Melbourne social
identity, now aging owner of a failing S&M club, Vera Leigh.
A shadowy real estate developer is trying to squeeze Leigh out of a rapidly gentrifying city. But she has a rescue plan that involves one of Australia’s biggest heists, Melbourne’s Great Bookie Robbery. On April 21, 1976, a well organised gang stole as much as three million dollars, a fortune at the time, from a Melbourne bookmakers club. The money was never recovered. No one was ever charged. And everyone associated with the crime has since died, either by natural causes or violently.
Leigh maintains that money was not the only thing stolen that day.… Read more